“Imagination Takes Flight” is public art commissioned and on display at the Sharon Forks Forsyth County Library in Atlanta George. This project was spearheaded by the library committee and Chief librarian Anna Lyle. Upon my first visit I had a chance to see the library under construction and where my print would be on display. Along with myself Anna and Monica Hennings, financial officer we set about collecting indigenous leaves in a nature preserve close by. The proposal for this print was to use the native leaves for making this print. It was my first time visiting Atlanta and to my surprise Atlanta gets cold in the winter and yes trees loose their leaves in the south just like in the east! This was my one chance collect leaves for our project. I brought back as many leaves as possible in my suit case. I then set about flattening the leaves in my white pages phone book collection. I began inking about five thousand leaves for the final print. This is terrific example of working with a community of individuals, patrons and and staff to make this project happen. Special thanks goes to Anna, Monica and the library committee that chose my work for this project. For more information here is a link to the Forsyth County Public Library
Opening day of the newly renovated library
“Imagination Takes Flight” behind the reference and circulation desk.
- Opening day of the newly renovated library
- “Imagination Takes Flight” behind the reference and circulation desk.