SU-CASA is a collaboration among the New York City Council, the Department of Cultural Affairs (DCA), the Department for the Aging (DFTA) and The Bronx Council of the Arts (BCA). This initiative seeks to connect artists in their borough with seniors in senior centers. The senior center I worked with was in the Sound View section of The Bronx. The project I organized was titled “Tell Your Story” This was done in three parts. The first part was learning various printmaking techniques using my retro fitted portable washing press wringer. This included learning about monotype, watercolor, stencil and rainbow roll printmaking methods. Based on the art work made students paired up and worked out a story arc for their book based on their shared prints and ideas. Lastly, we bound all of the pages together. This entailed leaning how to make an accordion book binding for their completed artist book. We laughed a lot in our printmaking classes together and enjoyed one another’s company. On a warm sun filled spring day in June we held an exhibition outdoors of our finished work for friends and family. Below are pictures that tell their story!
- The jig we used for the accordion book binding.